Our ADHD BANK test identifies the genetic variants associated with increased risk for ADHD. This test
uses an artificial intelligence program to analyze big data of genes.
The test results can be used as understanding the personal genetic characteristic and preventing the disease. Our test results does NOT include environmental factors that can also influence disease susceptibility.
What is the Purpose of ADHD BANK
This test includes the most common genetic variant associated with ADHD. ADHD is complex, and not
only by genetic factors but also by lifestyle and environmental influences. Even though genetic predis-
positions cannot be altered, learning about genetic risk could help people modulate the influence of
environmental factors byimplementing life style changes. Ultimately, these active decisions can improve
health and the quality of life.
Causes of ADHD
Several environmental risk factors have been associated with the potential development of ADHD, and combinations of specific polymorphisms and environmental risk factors may increase the likelihood of some ADHD symptoms.
Twin studies indicate that the disorder is often inherited from the person's parents, with genetics determining about 75% of cases in children and 35% to potentially 75% of cases in adults. Siblings of children with ADHD are three to four times more likely to develop the disorder than siblings of children without the disorder.
ADHD is acknowledged to have an underlying genetic component, with the heritability of ADHD estimated to be up to 76%, and the involvement of specific candidate genes reported. (Nature Genetics volume 51, 63-75(2019))
Symptoms of ADHD
Two key features define attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD):
- Inattention
- Hyperactivity and Impulsivity.
Here are the DSM-V diagnostic criteria.