Intelli Bank
What is the Purpose of Multiple Intelli Bank
Many factors, including genetics, can influence a person’s chances of developing the condition.
This test includes the most common genetic variant associated with one's intelligences.
A person's intelligence is complex, and not only by genetic factors but also by lifestyle and environmental influences. Even though genetic predispositions cannot be altered, learning about genetic risk could help people modulate the influence of environmental factors by implementing life style changes.
My Stage
The "My Stage" section presents a summary of the way your genetic markers influence your multiple intelligence. There are 4 different stages in Multiple Intelli Bank Report.
It could mean that you are in typical genetic predisposition in multiple intelligence.
It could mean that you are in slightly advantaged genetic predisposition in multiple intelligence.
It could mean that you are in advantaged genetic predisposition in multiple intelligence.
It could mean that you are in very advantaged genetic predisposition in multiple intelligence.